Monday, August 11, 2008

The Flight Home....

Needless to say, my actual birthday... didn't really exist!

After having to pay an arm and a leg for Delta to accept my overweight luggage, getting lost in the Rome Airport, changing gates 3 times, having flights delayed, and some annoying turbulance... we finally made it home!!

On the plus side, Eileen, Sean and I all got to sit together on the flight from Rome to Atlanta...we enjoyed several in-flight movies and a combination of gabbing & napping. Jason & Isaac shared our flight, and visited us on occasion... As far as flying goes, once we were in the air, it wasn't half bad!

The last leg was spent sound asleep by the three of us, and Jason took a voucher to stay in a hotel with Isaac.... I hope he made it off of the Atlanta airport floor!!

As trying as a transatlantic flight is, it was worth it once I arrived. I got to be with Dave and my girl again... MATTIE!! Il mio cane bello!! I missed my muse so much! We had a nice reunion, and I think she missed me, too....

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